The spreading group was established to assess the state of spreading techniques in regards to fertilizer requirements, taking into account the argricultural economic and regulatory context.
Publication of the brochure of the application group
“Optimization Guide for the spreading of solid mineral fertilizers”
Composed mainly of representatives of manufacturers, fertilizer manufacturers, technical institutes of the agricultural profession, the group issued a first draft of these studies in a methodological guide to spraying:
“Spreading of solid mineral fertilizers – Methodology, Practical Advice, field control”
This document is a guide for technicians it can help them to advise farmers on achieving quality spraying (sold out).
Its mission is to encourage
- the development of technical progress on material on spreading
- the use of efficient spreading material
- adapted piping recommendations,
- to promote fertilization.
Its scope extends to
- spreading of mineral fertilizers
- spreading organic fertilizer
- spraying of amendments
In response to requests that have a direct link with these themes, further work will be initiated by adapting the composition of the group.
For more information, please contact the facilitator of this group: Marc Rousselet (CEMAGREF).