Regulatory recognition of dose calculation tools mat_mws 24 mars 2015

Regulatory recognition of dose calculation tools

Comifer champs1 On 22 January 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture launched the regulatory recognition process of dose calculation tools to the attention of the editors of these tools.

“The “nitrate” action program required computation, for any crop spheres, the projected dose of nitrogen to use in respect to the balance of nitrogen fertilization. The rules for the calculation of the projected dose are fixed in a regional prefectural order concerning the repository for the implementation of the balance of nitrogen fertilization (order known as “repository”), which indicates the method for each crop and the parameters to use. The use of computational tools for the forecasted dose of nitrogen in place of reference fixed by the order “repository” is permitted under certain conditions.

To clarify the possibility of using tools, a regulatory recognition process for calculation tools of the projected dose of nitrogen was launched. This procedure will take place in two phases:

  • A first phase (preparatory phase), which aims to identify tools for calculating the projected dose of nitrogen and gather the data required for the implementation of the procedure.
  • A second phase to proceed with the recognition of the different regulatory tools by end 2015.


Publishers and developers of calculation tools for the forecasted rate of nitrogen wishing to participate in this work are invited to come forward.
The approach conducted, including the census modalities of the tools are presented in the joint correspondence of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Ecology to the publishers of the tool for calculating the projected dose of nitrogen.

The declaration of commitment must be sent by 15 February 2015. Given the short timeframe, the description file can be sent up until March 1.

In this work a tool is considered to be a combination of a computing grid/ a calculation engine (paper / electronic version) and a configuration.
Some well defined tools can be marketed with different interfaces in different ways (input via the internet vs. lab soil analysis), if the calculation engine, configuration and input data entered are identical in all cases, a single declaration of commitment and a single description file can be filled; information on the different routes and marketing interfaces can then be indicated in the “trade names concerned.”

For domestic tools, a single statement of commitment is required. The national tool designer must indicate that all France is concerned.
The description file must also be supplied, if possible, at the national level. For this, the designer of the tool will follow the indications of the user manual for the description file.
If the national tool designer does not have all the necessary data for all regions, they may request information from each regional parameter setter and separate each region with a tab in the file and then bring everything together to give us.
If this is not possible, each regional parameter setter will send their description file.


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