The COMIFER brochure mat_mws 18 mars 2015

The COMIFER brochure


Document méthodologique

Nitrogen content of harvested plant organs

for field crops, the main forages and vines

2013 Reference Table

Download the table   Download the methodological document



Calculation of nitrogen fertilization

Methodological Guide for the establishment of local regulations
Annual crops and pastures

To order the brochure, click here


comifer_couv pk

Computing Grid PKMg

Free Download of the complete computing grid PKMg 2007 and 2009 Version


couv_brochure chaulage_web

Liming, bases for reasoning

The brochure is available in digital format: Download the brochure

110 pages / Price 15 €


couv epandage

Optimization Guide for the spreading of solid mineral fertilizers

The brochure is available in digital format: Download the brochure

70 pages / Price 15 €



Diagnostic help and the regulations for phosphate and potassium fertilization of field crops (1995)

This document compiles and organizes existing bases of aid in the diagnosis and the regulation of phosphate and potassium fertilization of field crops … Download the brochure

28 pages



Calculation of nitrogen fertilization of annual crops (1996)

Methodological Guide for the establishment of local regulations.
This paper discusses the rational fertilization for large annual crops …

59 pages



The grass analysis: a tool for control of phosphate and potassium fertilization of natural and temporary grasslands

Livestock Institute – FITC – INRA – ACTA – Chambers of Agriculture – COMIFER

A more sustainable phosphate and potassium fertilization over more than 10 million hectares of grassland, …
Gilles THEVENET – Former President of COMIFER



Methodological guide for field experimentation

Agronomic value of non-agricultural products recycled in agriculture (PONARA)

This guide aims to facilitate the knowledge acquisition approach relating to the agronomic value of proposed recycled agricultural products.
Co-edition ACTA COMIFER with the participation of ITB 2000, 200p.



Nitrate leaching system of annual crops. Diagnosis of risk and intercrop management proposals

Visualize the act