Member benefits:
- Participation in the working groups of their choice: Nitrogen and Sulfur, P K Mg, Soil acidity, Recycled organic waste products, Fertility and biological activity of soil.
- Extranet access, reserved only for members
- Discounts for COMIFER events and publications.
- Priority booking for events.
- Agronomic information sharing with La Lettre du COMIFER newsletter
- Participating and voting in the general assembly. Possible election to the Executive board.
The annual membership fee is 70 Euros for active members.
If your organization wishes to become an associate member within the College, please dowload the application form below.
To join COMIFER:
- Download the application form and return it by post or email to s.droisier@comifer.fr
- or complete the form below:
{loadposition form04}
Immeuble Le Diamant A
14 rue de la République
92800 Puteaux – France
Phone: +33(0)1 46 53 10 29